Last week I took a break from the sketch covers to finish up some projects for my family.
My brother Robert and his wife Stacia have a hive on their property that produces really delicious honey. These are logos I designed for when their budding bee business takes off.
(They live in Tehachapi, CA- hence the pun.)

Also, my Dad's 73rd Birthday is coming up in a few days, so I've taken a favorite photograph of ours and converted it into a pencil sketch.
I'm seriously considering adding a Portrait category to my website, because I tend to do a lot of these simple graphite photo-to-sketch portraits. Gathering them all up is going to be rather time consuming, unfortunately, because almost all of those were created to be gifts.

Collingswood's Second Saturday on August 14th has been cancelled, due to scheduling conflicts with a craft fair of some kind. However, I'm hoping to be in Collingswood, NJ on September 10th. Updates as they become available.