Morale has been down in the LG camp recently.
Things with Bluewater are NOT working out and I spent my Sunday afternoon working at a small comic convention, where I sold almost none of my work.
Aaaand I got my first student loan bill in the mail yesterday, which means the clock has officially started ticking.
So, feeling kinda shitty. Feeling down. And then, I saw THIS.
The man who bought one of my Wonder Woman Day donation pieces has been blogging about me and all sorts of people liked it and reblogged it.
Here's the link for his blog, Spandex and Sports Bras, as well as links to the first and second blog entries he wrote about me.
It's always nice when someone likes your work and it's even better if that person is a stranger, but it's the absolute BEST when you can eavesdrop on a whole bunch of strangers talking amongst themselves about how much you rock.
When the people involved don't know you and aren't aware that you're listening, they have absolutely no reason to be nice or polite- The only thing they're responding to is your work.
The internet is a mean place full of anonymous cruelty- so on those rare occasions when it smiles upon you, it is a very happy day indeed.
Upcoming Art Shows!:
This Sunday, on the 14th, I'll be at the C.H.U.D. Comic Book Show in Laurel, Maryland. You will find me at the Stormwatch Comics table, selling prints of my superheroine pinups as well as a whole mess of Doctor Who t-shirts.