Sue Storm made it to the DF front page last week, but I wasn't speedy enough to post about it before it expired. Here's the screencap if you're interested in reading about it anyway.
This image might be the first of a set of covers featuring the Fantastic Four in their new white outfits, or it may end up being the only one- we'll see. I have 50 of these to draw and 50 Dominos that are on backorder until we get more X-Force books in, so I'll have plenty of sketch cover work waiting for me when I get back from Pittsburgh.
Speaking of- I'm leaving tomorrow for the Pittsburgh Comic Con! I'm super excited, since this'll be the first con of the year for me. I've been gearing up for it all week, putting my portfolio together and finishing up the missing pieces of my Black Widow costume. I will return with photographs, stories, and hopefully a few new business contacts. Wish me luck!