To give you a little bit of background info, I interned with Rough Sketch Studios back in 2009 and very quickly became fast friends with the guys who run it. Steve Sistilli and Dexter Weeks are two of my closest compadres. Meeting them was one of the best things to ever happen to me. So, of course, I jumped at the chance to contribute to their new anthology book, The Art of Rough Sketch! It should be coming out just in time for Wizard World Philadelphia.
The image is a reference to Daddy's Little Girl, a fun horror comic that Rough Sketch puts out. Imagine a story set in an alternate version of Atlantic City that is secretly overrun by monsters, starring a Paris-Hiltonesque sort of character, and you'll come close to what Daddy's Little Girl is all about.A special thanks to my models: Brielle Wilson, Amber Love, and Robert Hoskins!