OKAY! I just finished an art project, so it's time for a long-overdue blog update!
Since last we spoke...
- Someone got a tattoo of my work, which is the highest compliment you can pay an artist as far as I'm concerned.
It's pretty much like saying "I love your artwork so much that I want to carry it around with me everywhere I go, forever." I can't wait to see it in person!
- My artwork has appeared on the last page of the Daddy's Little Girl, a campy horror/action story that can be described as Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets The Jersey Shore. DLG is published by the fine folks at Arcana and should be available in your local comic book store.
- I just
my first
full color
pet portrait.
The two lovely shar-peis to the left
are Kaia and Kona, respectively.
- I'm working on images for an anthology Red Stylo Media will be releasing later this year. Here's a sneak peek at one of my contributions to Shakespeare Shaken.
More often than not, planning out projects is a struggle. I spend more time laying out the composition of a piece than anything else. So on the rare occasions when a piece just falls together as easily as this one did, it's a blessing.
I'm SUPER excited to be a part of this project! Enrica Jang and I will be promoting Shakespeare Shaken at C2E2 this April, so if you're in the Chicago area, please swing by our table in artist's alley!
- Photographs of my Halloween costume have been published in one of my favorite comic books! For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE Witch Doctor fan. It's cleverly written, well-drawn, and has the distinction of being the only Occult Medical Drama I've ever heard of.
I dressed as my favorite character (Penny Dreadful) from the book for Halloween and sent in some photos to Lukas Ketner and Brandon Seifert, which they promptly put in their letter's column! I honestly don't know who was more delighted- Them, to see one of their creations come to life, or me, for being their first cosplayer ever!
- I worked a one-day comics show down in Timonium, MD and drew a Harley Quinn sketch for someone! I usually tend to get show-shy when doing sketches on the spot, but I really want to start breaking myself of that habit. I've got a major convention in Chicago in a few months and I definitely want to be able to do sketches while I'm there, so I'd better start practicing now!
I'll keep you guys posted on C2E2/Shakespeare Shaken news as it develops!
Stay tuned!