The Jubilee commission I've
been working on is finished!
I'm happy to report that the unusual lighting situation, which had the potential to turn into a real headache, was actually kind of fun to work with!
The customer who commissioned it loves it, which is always especially satisfying.
Tom has suggested I make a whole series of these images, all showing the ladies of X-men with neon signs of their names, and I must admit the idea does have a certain appeal to it! Once I finish up with Project G.G., I ought to have enough time to work on those. Hopefully they'll be finished in time for next year's convention season.
Shakespeare Shaken books are now on sale!
You can purchase them from me directly if
you're local (in which case I'll happily sign
it for you) or click here to order them online.
This isn't a thin comic book, either. There's over 200 PAGES of Shakespearey goodness beneath that cover!