You'll find me beneath one of the many tents along Haddon Avenue in downtown Collingswood (I won't know which one until the day of the event). I'll have a table full of prints and t-shirts and of course, will be selling and signing copies of Shakespeare Shaken all day long.
October Activities
Sunday, September 23, 2012
You'll find me beneath one of the many tents along Haddon Avenue in downtown Collingswood (I won't know which one until the day of the event). I'll have a table full of prints and t-shirts and of course, will be selling and signing copies of Shakespeare Shaken all day long.
Posted by Unknown at 3:27 PM
Labels: art sale, Collingswood, Shakespeare Shaken, stormwatch
Jubilee - Pt. 2
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Jubilee commission I've
been working on is finished!
I'm happy to report that the unusual lighting situation, which had the potential to turn into a real headache, was actually kind of fun to work with!
The customer who commissioned it loves it, which is always especially satisfying.
Tom has suggested I make a whole series of these images, all showing the ladies of X-men with neon signs of their names, and I must admit the idea does have a certain appeal to it! Once I finish up with Project G.G., I ought to have enough time to work on those. Hopefully they'll be finished in time for next year's convention season.
Posted by Unknown at 9:54 PM
Labels: comic books, Commissions, convention, Jubilee, pinups, Red Stylo Media, Shakespeare Shaken, X-men
Batwoman - Pt. 4
Alice looks good and Batwoman is decent, but I can't get Kate Kane (the center figure) to look right- which is unsurprising, since she's given me trouble since the beginning. It was certainly a lot faster than using wholly traditional methods to color a tonal work, but I still feel like there's something missing. I'm just not sure what it could be.
I suspect that some my discontent is due to the fact that I'd half
expected the finished product to be more... Frison-esque, I suppose.
It really shouldn't come as a surprise to me trying out someone else's technique would still result in an image that was 100% Guzzo. But, whatever. Being able to use different techniques while keeping my own style is a good thing. It's always better for me to be a first-rate version of myself than a second-rate imitation of someone else.
Posted by Unknown at 11:39 AM
Labels: Batwoman, comic books
SPX 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I had a marvelous time at SPX last weekend!
It felt a bit odd to be on the other side of the table for a change.
I've attended SPX for the last three years in a row now, but somehow I always forget how unbelievably crowded it gets. I spent a lot of time standing in front of tables, just waiting for the crowd to part enough to find out what was on the table beyond them. Between the high demand for tables and the massive crowd this event attracts, they could easily double the size of the show and still have a good consumer to vendor ratio.
We sat outside and read through some of
the mini-comics we'd picked up at the show.
My favorite obscure comic discovery this year was Emotional Distance. Each page consisted of nothing more than a headshot of an animal or person paired with a short bizarre statement written below them in cursive.
We got the Cumin Braised Lamb Pizza again, which was amazing of course, and for dessert we tried out the Maple Bacon Ice Cream, which was actually quite tasty.
For Tom (who had eaten bacon, pancakes, and a milkshake at breakfast) it was like a culinary bookend to the day.
Posted by Unknown at 12:39 PM
Labels: convention, SPX
Jubilee - Pt. 1
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The JUBILEE sign is going to be glowing neon when I'm done and it should do some fun things with the lighting...
Either that or the unusual light source is going to be a giant pain in my butt. I won't really know which one it is until I start attacking it tomorrow.
Posted by Unknown at 4:09 PM
Labels: comic books, Commissions, Jubilee, X-men
Baltimore Comic-Con
Monday, September 10, 2012
(Photo Credit: Ashley Neuhaus) |
I had a great spot! My booth was right across from the Stan Lee signing area and a stone's throw from the bathrooms. I had a steady stream traffic all day long AND they were forced to come within easy reach of my booth by the cordoned-off Stan Lee area. It was like a cattle chute for business.
The Shakespeare Shaken books are finally in and they're gorgeous! The picture to the left shows the cover (by yours truly) being shown off by the extremely talented Amber Love, who contributed "No. 130 For Love" to the anthology.
While in Baltimore, I had the good fortune to eat at a place called Joe Squared. Their drinks menu was massive and reasonably priced. Even though the place was PACKED, our order arrived promptly. Their Cumin Braised Lamb Pizza was hands down the most delicious pizza I've ever had in my life.
I cannot recommend this place highly enough.
I finished a handful of show sketches down in Baltimore and I am absolutely delighted with how they turned out! I feel like I'm finally breaking out of my show-shyness! The next time I have a space in Artist's Alley, I'm going to make sure I have a sign that lists my commission prices.
Posted by Unknown at 3:18 PM
Labels: Baltimore Comic Con, convention, show sketches
Philly/Baltimore Double Feature
Friday, September 7, 2012
Arch Enemy Arts
109 & 111 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
The opening is TONIGHT from 6 to 10 and it looks like it'll be a spectacular event. I hope to see you there!
Posted by Unknown at 9:39 AM
Labels: art sale, Baltimore Comic Con, convention, Philadelphia
Secret Project - Pt. 7
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Woke up early today and finished this image before noon.
After lots of planning and countless delays, I finally feel like this project is gaining a bit of momentum. All of the art should be finished by the end of 2012.
Posted by Unknown at 3:05 PM
Labels: comic books, Project G.G.